Hongyi Fan

(Pronounce as "Hone-Eee Fan")


PhD student, School of Engineering, Brown University
Barus & Holley, Room 210
182 Hope Street. Providence, RI, 02906

About Me

PhD student in computer engineering, member of Computer Vision Group @ LEMS, advised by Prof. Benjamin Kimia. I obtained my M.Sc. degree in computer engineering from Brown University in 2016. Before that, I obtained M.E. degree in communication and information technology from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC) in 2014, advised by Prof. Zhenming Peng, and my B.Sc. degree (with honors) in optical engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC) in 2011.

I'm interested in geometric solution for computer vision problems. Currently my focus is on visual odometry and 3D reconstruction and other related vision tasks.

Before came to Brown, my research focused in seismic signal processing when I was in UESTC. You can find my previous work in the homepage of Graphics, Images and Signal Processing Application Lab(GISPALAB)

Ongoing Projects

  • 3D Reconstruction Based on Differential Photometric Constraint
  • Curve-based Visual Odometry & SLAM
  • Blindfind system*
  • (Details comming soon)



    From Differential Photometric Consistency to Surface Differential Geometry[Draft]
    Benjamin Kunsberg, Hongyi Fan, and Benjamin Kimia, To be submitted to CVPR2018


    Dissecting scale from pose estimation invisual odometry [PDF] [Supplementary]
    Rong Yuan, Hongyi Fan, and Benjamin Kimia, BMVC2017


    A Fast Image Matching Approach for Indoor Image Localization[PDF]
    Hongyi Fan



  • I'm the member of Narragansett Bay Wheelmen(NBW)